"Promise has a Sound – the Sound of Eternal Covenant – the Sound of all of Heaven and God’s Love backing up what He has spoken!”
Words of Encouragement & News 4/2019
To remove the objection of affection – Jesus – for the affection of Judas’s heart was politics and contrary to Mary’s, which was for the Lord. There is only one Lord and one King – so we either worship Him or He becomes your enemy.
Judas’ choice and decision caused him to move from the place of Jesus’ disciple to Jesus’ betrayer and he would betray Him with a kiss. I cannot think of a more painful expression of betrayal than a kiss from one who once was part of the inner and intimate circle of your life and heart. I wonder, how many of you have had this kiss?
Two kisses – the kiss of blessing and the kiss of betrayal. One from the Kingdom of Light, one from the kingdom of darkness. One from the place of a pure heart, one from the place of a darkened, wounded, fear-filled heart. One seeking only to give away and pour into and one that reveals the disappointment and releases ‘you weren’t what I expected’. One that covers and protects and makes safe and is a refuge. One that uncovers, exposes with the purpose of harm. One that wraps and adorns others in acceptance and love. One that cloaks others in rejection and despising.
The kiss of blessing releases life, future and hope. The kiss of betrayal releases death to our hearts, souls, minds and destinies. One releases revelation understanding of the Father, the other conceals truth and releases lies and shame. Which kiss will we give?
We give the kiss we have received.
When we receive the kiss of the Son, great healing and revelation are received, faces begin to glow with acceptance and love. Truth and light begin to radiate from our faces. Tears of shame are replaced with tears of joy and being accepted by the Father. We become attractive to others around us in a ‘holy attraction’ – a radiating presence of Light and Life flow from our lives. This transformation within us then allows us to walk in the spheres of our life’s influence and bring His blessing and kiss of acceptance to those our lives touch.
What will this look like you might ask, it could look like this:
Eyes that looked to the ground in shame and rejection with uneasy glances from places of insecurity deep within – hesitatingly – dare to believe -to risk -to take a glance. They – look into eyes of the Father’s ministering saints on earth – and they see His eyes. Though some may struggle to look and remain fixed – they will give way – for Papa’s love will capture them, His gaze is all encompassing acceptance and fear free – full of safety.
Here they relinquish and let go and let Him into places in their hearts and lives that previously had ‘no entry’ signs posted. New signs put into place – “I give You access Father”. “I give You access, Son of the Most High God’. “I give You access Holy Spirit – Holy Three come and fill me afresh’.
Abuses fall off like leaves in late autumn – at the feet of the One who hung on a tree, the tree of Calvary, the Cross – rugged and unfinished this cross was. But the One who hung on it – was the Perfect Lamb offering the Perfect sacrifice – for the perfecting of His saints that they would one day be like Him and manifest Him to the world around them.
Lies dismantle as a stack of wood, burned in the fire of His all consuming love.
Torment bows its knee to the prophetic worship lifted before the King – then He comes and speaks peace to the storm filled minds and emotions.
Declarations and decrees of future, hope, purpose open the cloaks of hopelessness and despair causing them to be unwrapped even as Lazarus’ were as he came forth from the tomb and Jesus decreed – ‘take off his graveclothes’.
Two kisses – kiss of blessing and the kiss of betrayal. If you have the lingering sting and paralyzing impact, of this kiss still at work in your life – will you allow Jesus Kiss of Blessing and Acceptance to replace that kiss. Will you lift your cheek heavenward with a heart of expectancy and allow the unraveling of the enemy’s work of hatred towards you to be displaced by Jesus’ Kiss of Holy Love and Life. One kiss from the One who hung on the tree of Calvary, is enough to cancel out every betrayal and pain in your heart – will you dare to risk again, to love again, to live again….I say will you dare to soar again with Him, for after His Kiss comes His embrace and He carries you up and away on His Wings of Mercy above the reproach of the enemy and into the realms of Grace!
If you haven’t picked up your copy of Donna’s new book – Can You Hear the Sound?, don’t delay! Here’s what people are saying about her new book.
“Pictures painted with words, sounds that come alive, rhythms and patterns that defy the natural, revelation that jumps off the page or settles deep inside.” – Cathy
Pick up your copy of Donna’s book today at: DonnaMilham.com
April 19: Kingdom Awakening in Kingston, NH – Good Friday evening service https://www.kingdom-awakening.org/
Donna is available for speaking engagements. If interested in having Donna speak at your service, conference or special event, please contact her: donna@donnamilham.com.