"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Can You Hear The Sound of Future & Hope – ‘If I could only touch…”


Matt.9: 21 TPT –  “For she kept saying to herself, If I could only touch his prayer shawl I would be  healed.”

The woman with the issue of the blood had one goal – touching the hem of Jesus’ prayer shawl.

Hear the sound of future and a hope –

The sound of  ‘if I could only’!

Not the sound of ‘if only’ – of regret

If only I hadn’t…

If only I had…

If only this didn’t happen…

If only’s

But the sound of  ‘IF I COULD ONLY TOUCH’….

Touch WHO – touch what?

Touch Jesus’ prayer shawl, the hem of His garment.

How did she know there was the possibility of her healing if she touched it?

Did she see it before? Did God whisper this to her heart?

Was it by revelation from Spirit or message from an angel? It does not say.

 Prayer shawl – blue tassel –

Brian Simmons – “The blue tassel on the corner of the prayer shawl was  said to symbolize all commandments and promises of God.  The Hebrew word for ‘fringe’ or ‘border’ of a garment can also mean ‘wing’.  Some have interpreted Malachi 4:2 (‘healing in his wings’) as a reference to the tassels of the prayer shawl”.

One of prophetic symbolisms for the color blue is God’s Kingdom Dominion Authority!.

She would be reaching out and touching the realm of total authority – The Kingdom of God.

She would be touching her Eternal Home – the place of Past, Present and Future – the realm of Timelessness.

She touched Humility –

Phil. 2:7 TPT -“He laid aside His outward glory by reducing Himself to the form

            of a lowly Servant.  He became human – God with us!”

This is the One who left Heaven for her and for all of mankind.

She touched Authority –

Phil. 2:10-11 TPT – “The authority of the name of Jesus causes every knee to bow

            in reverence!  Everything and everyone will one day submit to this name –

            in the heavenly realm, in the earthly realm, and in the demonic realm.

            And every tongue will proclaim in every language: Jesus Christ is Lord

            Yahweh, bringing glory and honor to God, His Father!”

She touched His Sacrifice – before foundation of world he was slain

Rev.5:13 TPT –“Praise, honor, glory and dominion be to God- Enthroned and

            to Christ the Lamb forever and ever!”

She touched eternity past – present and future –

Rev. 1:8 TPT – “’I am the Aleph and the Tav,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is, who was

            and who is to come, the Almighty!’”

She touched Healings Promise –

1 Peter 2:24 TPT – “Our INSTANT HEALING flowed from His Wounding!

            (Capitals were added for my emphasis)

The touched the realm of Divine Health –

Psalm 103:3 TPT – “You’ve kissed my heart with Your forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve

            done!  You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease!”

I believe heaven’s response poured through Jesus –

This response – the sound of lightning and thunder and glory were released as waves of healing  power surges flowed into her being.

The Sound of Divine Authority surged through her being and in a moment she was healed – body, mind, soul and spirit – completely whole!

Vs. 22 “Just then Jesus turned around and looked at her and said, ‘My daughter, be encouraged.  Your faith has healed you’.  And instantly she was healed!”

 Jesus was speaking in perfect, confident faith –

The Sound of Belonging – of family – The Embrace of Heaven

He only said what He heard in Heaven  –  the Father’s Voice and His Heart’s Desire

This one Son – declare to her – DAUGHTER

Release the SOUND of OUR EMBRACE

The Embrace of the Holy Three

The Surrounding of Holy Covenant and Holy Love


Hear the sound of unclean, unclean, unclean, as she pressed through the crowds.

Unclean, unclean – people stepping away from her so they would not be defiled.

Unclean, unclean – the untouchable one, the lonely one, the isolated one…

Desperation caused her to push through the crowd’s comments – what is she doing – she can’t be here……

She pushed through her own fear of the past – the many times when she had dared to hope…

Perhaps this is the cure?? Only to be disappointed again and again.

At his moment the sound of her lips –  ‘IF I COULD ONLY’……….

Drowned out the voices of those around her and her own previous chant like decrees of ‘unclean, unclean, unclean’…….

NOW the SOUND of future and a hope is coming forth…..


Again and again and again she says this to herself

She was not looking at anyone’s face

She refused to engage with those glaring religious eyes

She pushed past the lack of mercy and compassion, pushed through the hindrance of the law

To touch MERCY




Hear the sounds of the decrees of one who sees destiny is standing before her

Religion’s voice will no longer hold her back

She throws off the religious garment and arises and moves forward towards her kairos moment

She will not let LIFE pass her by

The One Who is HOPE – the One Who is Life is right there

The One Who holds FUTURE in His Hands and HOPE in His Heart

Is passing by

I will arise – for it is my only hope


Hear the sound of the enemy taunting her –

Who do you think you are?

You are unclean, a useless woman, alone, despised, worthless, hopeless

You won’t get through this crowd

They’ll stop you, throw you out.

This ONE is not who they say HE is

He’s an imposter, a fake

There is no power – He has no authority

The spirit of unbelief is screaming in her ear

She keeps declaring – ‘IF I COULD ONLY’………

Again and again and again.

Go ahead then- touch His prayer shawl – His Hem

You will see- nothing will happen – then what??

Go ahead – you unclean woman – unwanted,

No family, no one  to embrace you, no one to kiss you,

No intimacy at all in your life – who would want you?

Her heart had been lonely for so long


And she pushes through.

So many are surrounding Jesus – hear the sound of the crowds

Jesus, touch me, heal me,


She doesn’t cry out to Him

She doesn’t seek to attract attention

She quietly draws close

One woman, a huge crowd

Noisy streets filled with seekers, watchers, naysayers, believers, Pharisees,

And desperate ones like her.


Hear the sound of her hands coming in contact with His Garment

Electrifying power surges –

Thunder and lightning – the power of the Father’s Love

Shooting through His Son’s Heart – His very DNA

The King-Priest

The Sacrificial Lamb

The King of Kings

The Eternal One

The Lion & The Lamb


She touches the Promise of the Ages –

“His light broke through the darkness and He led us out in freedom from death’s dark shadow, Snapping our chains!” Psalm 107:14 TPT

Hear the sound of future and a hope (Jeremiah. 29:11)

It has swallowed up in a moment of time

All of her pain, all of her sickness, all of her sorrow

It rips off the labels mankind and the spirit of religion has put upon her

A DECLARATION OF BELONGING is released over her and into her

It shifts her entire DNA

There was not one part of her being was not reached and touched completely!

When the Eternal One speaks, what – who can put a limit on His Decree?

“My daughter be encouraged your faith has healed you”

My daughter – daughter, daughter, daughter…..

Can you hear it echoing through the chambers of her heart

Ripping off memories of taunting, accusations, ‘if only’s’

Echoing through her minds hallways

Transforming her orphan – victim mindset

Belonging nowhere


She has value, worth


Mine – Mine – Mine..

I already purchased you before this

Your faith – your decrees overtook unbelief

Slammed the door in its face

Your faith –


Overran – made the way

Opened the door of your heart

Heaven watched

Heard your decrees – angels were activated

Your red sea parted with the authority of your decrees

You made the way – a portal in heaven opened

Father’s Response though ME His Son


MINE – My Daughter

Speaking for MY Father

Made whole in a moment of time!




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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.