"To become a holy birthing place for Heaven to be revealed in its Eternal Song and Sounds, where lives are changed forevermore and the dreams of the Holy Three become tangible reality!”
At His Feet
Feet of Glory, Feet of Peace, Feet of Sacrifice,
Feet of Majesty and Might, Holy Feet of Holy Light!
I can think of no other place I would rather sit, nor be, than at His Feet, the Feet of the Master, the All Wise, All Knowing, Eternal One. At His Feet I hear the sound of the power of His Blood, His poured out sacrificial life of covenantal love.
At His Feet all things come into perspective – here one’s heart is humbled in holy contemplation of this King, who left Heaven’s Home to restore us – God’s children – to a covenant heart relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Always He is after our hearts; it is all about the posture of our hearts before the Holy Three.
At His Feet, I sense the wonder, the awe, His tenderness, His terribleness – I cry, I shake, I sit still, I laugh, I shout, I sing, I am undone – for at His Feet I find – mercy, hope, joy, purpose, and destiny. He is my destiny – not what I do for Him, but being with Him and in Him, and He in me. Holy union – who could ever imagine – Divine Invitation – from the One who moves the kings of the earth like chess pieces on a board – invites us to come and be one with Him!
To sit at His Feet, to kiss His Feet, to bow in humble adoration, to prostrate in total surrender, and to arise and walk the road that not many will take, the road of a life not our own. We surrender our rights to fully embrace and live in the spiritual riches, rights and privileges of true sonship, from being Divinely owned, loved, and possessed.
At His Feet I found why I exist, who I live for now, and for all eternity. To worship the One who is worthy – Holy Feet – pierced for you and me – let all creation join in and Kiss the Feet of the Son of the Most High God!
This book has been on my heart to write for many years. I had begun to write it and then set it aside until I received a prophetic word given to me December 2013 – “Write the book, no more delay, write the book.” These writings, teachings, poems, insights, and prophetic words all came from sitting at His Feet, waiting on Him, sitting with Him, worshiping and adoring, praying and seeking, and loving Him. He is my passion, He is my all!
I pray this book will reveal to your heart, a realm that perhaps you had not encountered, a revelation you had not seen or that bring you deeper in your experience and understanding. May there be holy transformation that causes each to become more like Him, from being At His Feet!
Purchase your copy today!