"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Words of Encouragement & News – August 2024




Psalm 61:1-2 “Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer, from the end of the earth I will cry out to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I”. (NKJV)

You oh Lord, are the Rock, the Strong Tower, the Tabernacle that David cried out to. He truly knew You – the tangible reality of the safety and shelter of Your Name.
He was confident in You and trusted his very life’s existence within Your Name.
His confidence came from the time spent with You as he tended his sheep, countless hours alone in Your Presence, learning to know Your Whisper in the depths of his being.

When Your promises and plans for Israel were challenged by their enemies –
David was given eyes to see from Your Perspective.
When he was sent to the frontlines of battle, he did not go with a battle plan –
but simply brought supplies to the army that were sent by his earthly father.
But by Your Hand he was put in the place of seeing and hearing what You wanted to do and how You wanted to win this challenge and defeat this enemy.

David knew you well in the hidden place and had come from the hillside tending the sheep while communing with You.
He had no fear in his heart at this moment, only the reverential fear of the Lord!
David’s heart, beat as one with Yours, which enabled the eyes and ears of his heart to understand and perceive from Your Eternal Throne’s Perspective.
Your Eye was searching for one who would stand against the schemes of the enemy – Goliath and the Philistines.
Not standing in their own might and power – but by the Spirit of the Lord.

In the natural King Saul and the army looked mature and prepared with their armor and swords.
However, even with all of their military gear and years of combat training – they stood ‘afar off in fear’.
Saul even promised his daughter to one brave man who would volunteer.
But none wanted to risk their lives
To them it was a certain death sentence, and they believed they would never see their honeymoon night.

David looked immature in the natural and unprepared-
A sheep tender with provisions.
But he KNEW GOD intimately!
And because he KNEW HIM and not just OF HIM –
He could hear HIS HEART’S DESIRE and see HIS EYE searching for one who would come forth in this hour.

Goliath challenged Israel’s army and David responded with GOD’S RESPONSE!
A Kingdom of God response!

Heaven came down to surround and enable this devoted lover of God.
As a young boy – one day to be an earthly king –
He stepped forward in his spiritual kingship and authority
He took a stone –
A stone of understanding with confidence in the ROCK upon which he lived his life
The Rock of Revelation  –  The Rock of Salvation!
And He put that stone in his sling as he HEARD what to DO
God’s Hand WITH his flung it into Goliath’s head and dealt a death blow to the spirit of intellect and human understanding –
To the spirit of intimidation, deception, and destruction!

Through Knowing the Overcoming King
David became a vessel that GOD’s Victory poured through
This is the beauty and power and deliverance from

Psalm 62:1-2 “Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation.  He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved”.  (NKJV)

THE LAMB'S COVENANT WAYA Company of Overcomers

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I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.Galatians 2:20

Beloved friends,

We are excited to announce The Lamb’s Covenant Way, a monthly Zoom meeting which will be taking the place of Overflowing Cup.

To know the Lamb’s Covenant Way — His Heart, His Truth, His Path.
To raise the Lamb’s flag and call forth His army – A Company of Overcomers!
Sealed with His Royal Signet ~ Fiery Love and Holy Zeal.

This will be a live monthly Zoom. Link shared when requested.
Wednesday August 21 at 7pm EST.

Spiritual Directors:
Donna Milham
Founder and Director Eagle & Dove Ministries and Judah’s Roar

Tracee Anne Loosle
Founder & Director, Intrepid Heart Ministries


Whoever receives His testimony sets his seal to this,
that God is true. (John3:33)


If you haven’t picked up your copy of Donna’s new book – Can You Hear the Sound?,
don’t delay! Here’s what people are saying about her new book.

“Pictures painted with words, sounds that come alive, rhythms and patterns that defy the natural, revelation that jumps off the page or settles deep inside.” 

– Cathy

If you don’t have your copy of Donna’s first Book, AT HIS FEET, now is the time!
A great gift for you or someone you care about.

Feet of Glory, Feet of Peace, Feet of Sacrifice,
Feet of Majesty and Might, Holy Feet of Holy Light!

Pick up your copy of Donna’s book today at: DonnaMilham.com


Interested in scheduling Donna for your next event or service? Please contact her directly for invitations: donna@donnamilham.com

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.