"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Words of Encouragement & News – Feb 2019
Who Are We?
We are the ones He left Heaven for – became flesh and blood for, died and rose again for – we are His passion and His possession!
Valued, worth the Son of God’s life –
His seat in Heaven emptied – vacant – filled again – with His eyes ablaze in fiery jealous passion for you and me.
We are why He came – we are why He hung.
We are what He focused on at the Cross – the Promise of our Father
Sacrifice of the Eternal Lamb -Son of God
You are were worth it in His Eyes
It does not matter what man says or doesn’t say – you are VALUED – you are worth it!
Meditate on this – strip off – take off the clothes of shame, unworthiness, less than, passed over………..!!!
Who are you – you are who THE WORD says you are – transformed by the Word and His Presence.
We are His Promised Bride
We are arising – awakened by New Love – Revelation – fresh touches from Above.
We see differently – how our lives and hearts have been shaped in the fiery trials – the Master Quarrier has been shaping us – day by day – chisel here and there
The SAME SOUND heard at the Cross – the nail and the hammer !
We are being shaped into His likeness as we posture our hearts in holy surrender before Him.
Letting Him reveal to us the places that are not like Him, that do not reveal or carry His nature and character, that He longs to transform. At our ‘yes’ He excitedly chisels away and shapes us into the beautiful sons and daughters He saw when He hung on the cross 2,000 years ago.
Can you hear the sound?
When difficulties and trials come – the nail and hammer – the chisel and hammer
Galatians 2:20 SOUND
Choose to live in THIS SOUND – of a sacrificial laid down lover – nothing is too costly.
Stepping into awakening ever deeper –
The sound of a life not my own – the true sound of gladness and happiness
It is a new way, it’s a living way made for each one of us by His Blood
No longer staggering under self- pity, false humility – unbelief – unworthiness – bondage –
We now see it like it is – the bondages – logs and chains on our shoulders
with songs and sounds of dread and remorse!
No – HE says we are loved and beautiful and His
Jesus’ response to our lives is ‘YES’ – to live under and in HIS ‘Yes’-
live under My declarations of ‘you are beautiful’…
it is a spiritual beauty
It is His kindness that leads to repentance
Even in His corrections He is Love and Loving, steering, and leading us.
He calls us beautiful because we have given Him our hearts gladly – willingly out of our desire and holy loves response.
We are not alone, never alone –– we are in the process of becoming one with Him
He is our passionate pursuit – He is our destiny, our Home –now and for all eternity!
Who are we? We are His, divinely loved!
If you haven’t picked up your copy of Donna’s new book – Can You Hear the Sound?, don’t delay! Here’s what people are saying about her new book.
“Pictures painted with words, sounds that come alive, rhythms and patterns that defy the natural, revelation that jumps off the page or settles deep inside.” – Cathy
Pick up your copy of Donna’s book today at: DonnaMilham.com
Donna is available for speaking engagements. If interested in having Donna speak at your service, conference or special event, please contact her: donna@donnamilham.com.