"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

May 2016 Newsletter



It is all about the posture of our hearts – our inner being – the very center of who we are.
To live life fully – from the depths of our hearts.

This is the place of seeking heart to Heart relationship with the Holy Three.
Not relenting, not stopping, not giving up until
His Heart is within our hearts and we are in the heart of God –
this is the pilgrimage of His Heart!
This comes from the posture of abiding and waiting upon and with Him.

When I am not in this place I do not truly SEE the butterfly’s path,
HEAR the birds message in its song,
sense HIS WIND on my face and Breath on my neck….
I am not as quickened to the suddenlies that He is near!

I miss the dew – lights message sparkling with a chorus all its own,
the sea and stars grand orchestration song and display

I lose sight of His Eternal Invitation to mankind –
The Big Dipper extending to humanity –
To all who are thirsty – COME!

I can forget His Heavenly Reminder that we are in His Gaze and He is ever with us
Orion – the Great Warrior King standing guard and watch over us…

I love to stand at the ocean’s shore and sing in the spirit from my heart,
releasing unto Him holy songs – knowing they go out – never to be stopped –
Eternal and earthly meet with sound of glad joy and a holy kiss.
Heaven has been poised – listening for songs from our hearts!

I may miss the visitation of ‘Let there be light’ coming in sudden creative waves upon my earthly circumstance. His Eternal Decree is still travelling through time and space- the Eternal Word…nothing can stop it….new galaxies are being created now and forever.
How He longs for us to be caught in the reality of His Decree –
Oh Father let my heart be awake and alert!

I wait, I listen in the posture of expectation – then I hear His Heart and I align my heart,
I open my mouth and I decree- let there be light over Cape Ann, (where I live), over the North Shore, over Massachusetts, over New England, over Northeast, over America – ever increasing the span of the influence of my prayers aligning with His Word.

He is in us – we are co-laborers – lovers – releasing the reality of His Kingdom
We need to see, to live in, and through the Heart of God.
The Kingdom of God is within – heart and heaven are one.
Jesus is Enthroned in Heaven and in my heart – it is here –heaven and our hearts become one.
Ever journeying deeper…..deeper……..deeper………from the posture of restful waiting.

Celtic Christians spoke of the heart as being the very essence of our life.
David Adam wrote ‘Lord our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee. Relationship with God had to be an affair of the heart – to be in Him and rest in Him = peace.
There was a Hebridean princess who was known for her gentleness toward all of life. Tell me the secret of your exceeding gentleness. At this the lady mused for long, her eyes downcast, then answered softly as one waking from a lovely dream. There is no secret – only – I am always At His Feet and He is always in my heart”

The Posture of Our Hearts!


If you are interested in having Donna speak at an upcoming event, please contact: Donna@DonnaMilham.com

To find out Eagle & Dover Ministries’ weekly and monthly gatherings, go to Eagle & Dove Ministries – www.eagledove.com


I am still working on my book and hoping for it to be released in 2016. Thank you for those who have sent love gifts and who have and continue to pray for this to be finished and published.

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.