"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"
June 2016 Newsletter
By Donna Milham
Silence in the garden
What was once
Laughter, joy, face to face communion
With the Creator
Now silent!
Heaven is stunned
Angels watch
Father’s Heart broken
Trinity’s Pain
They can do nothing
Heaven responds
One evacuates Heaven to seek the ones they long for
He became one of us – became flesh and blood
The Father communed again with created being
His Son
Third of the Trinity – made flesh
Walked among us
He revealed Heaven on earth
Emotions of the Trinity
Longing and Desire
Oh Jerusalem – Jerusalem, how I long…
He wrote in the sand…
He cried at the tomb…
He cared for His mother at the cross…
He revealed desire for Divine Relationship with the ones He created
Are our gardens silent
Did not Mary think at Jesus’ tomb it was the gardener
When her eyes were opened her response
To cling to Him
She could not – not yet
Holy intimacy with One in the garden
What does Heaven hear and see
Are our gardens silent
Will we walk with Him and talk with Him
Commune and love Him in our gardens
He is waiting for you and me
Postures itself to hear the slightest whisper
Of a heart of devotion
For the ONE
Who is Love
And will never stop loving us
Who created us from His very Heart
Holy Desire
How He longs for you and me
Will we keep Him waiting or will be run into His arms?
If you are interested in having Donna speak at an upcoming event, please visit: Donna@DonnaMilham.com To learn more about weekly and monthly gatherings at Eagle & Dove Ministries, visit: www.eagledove.com
I am still working on my book and hoping for it to be released in 2016. Thank you for those who have sent love gifts and who have and continue to pray for this to be finished and published.