"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Words of Encouragement & News – September 2022



Mark 10:46-52 –  the story of blind Bartimaeus
“Then they reached Jericho, and as Jesus and his disciples left town, a large crowd followed him. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting beside the road. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout,“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
“Be quiet!” many of the people yelled at him.
But he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, “Tell him to come here.”
So they called the blind man. “Cheer up,” they said. “Come on, he’s calling you!” Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus.
“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked.
Rabboni.” the blind man said, “I want to see!”
And Jesus said to him, “Go, for your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road.”

He was labelled a blind beggar – not just a blind man. We know that there are many blind people today who live successful lives and careers

Bartimaeus was anything but successful, he was a beggar – he did not have braille to read, or a walking cane with a white tip to assist him, he was a man by the road with a cup and a mat begging.
His name means – son of one esteemed or son of one unclean.
But how did the people in his village see him?
His father’s name was Timaeus and means – highly prized
I personally believe that his name was meant to be – son of one esteemed

His blindness somehow led him to the place where his life began to ‘look and appear’ as being a son of one unclean and perhaps being referred to as one living a life under a generational curse.

Bartimaeus had his daily routine that was about to change in a divine encounter.
Jesus heard the cries of this man shouting ‘Jesus Son of David have mercy on me’…….
He didn’t whisper or whimper it or pray it in his heart –
He knew this was possibly his one and only chance….JESUS was walking by….and so he SHOUTED OUT…….
He shouted from desperation…
He had been living as a blind beggar and was tired of that label……..tired of the slanderous comments, the pitiful and hopeless looks, his own self- pity and the endless monotony of every day waking up blind and knowing all he could do was to beg and live at the mercy and pity of others.

Here was the ONE who had the ability to change his life forever, to redeem and restore his sight.  To reclaim and redeem what his name meant – son of one esteemed!

The people around him told him to be quiet – they yelled at him
Not just shhhhhh be quiet, hush – they yelled at him!
He was not deaf but blind!


How many times has the devil yelled at you – BE QUIET or people around you have told you to settle down, be quiet, you are too emotional about your God…….drawing attention to yourself……..why be so demonstrative, why scream and shout and jump and praise……just be quiet and worship Him reverently.

NO it is time to SHOUT LOUDER – Jesus I am desperate for you
To see you, to know you, to love you more than I ever have.

Jesus heard him and stopped and said, ‘tell him to come to Me’.

They did and Bartimaeus threw aside his coat – can you see that – he knew this was his moment – he threw off the garments of his present situation – threw off what was common in his life – threw off with expectation – this is my divine appointment with my real destiny – today the label comes off – today my life will be changed forever.

Bartimaeus jumped up and came to Jesus – he did not slowly walk over – he did not have to think about it or ask others – no he jumped up – he immediately responded to Jesus’ invitation.

How often in a meeting do we hesitate – or when alone with God and He asks us to do something or come to Him – we hesitate and try to process in our minds – it is never about our minds but about our hearts!!!  A heart response is what He is looking for and what is needed.

‘WHAT do you want Me to do for you?’
INSTANTLY the blind man could see and then he followed Jesus down the road!

Can you see this – he didn’t have to do anything except come to Jesus – who saw him as he was – and saw him how He and the Father had created him to be………and brought him into his destiny – eyes to see!
His eyes were opened spiritually and physically

He immediately followed Jesus and not by holding somebody’s hand……
Or being left behind……but walking on his own…seeing with his own eyes……following the One who had healed him.

His former identity and label – blind beggar – GONE ripped off in one moment.
Bartimaeus – son of one esteemed – was now restored.
And now – a son of God – a new life – a whole new chapter – future – destiny – hope.

No longer living under pity and the opinions of others – he didn’t have to wait for the SOUND of a coin in his cup!
Can you imagine the captivity of waiting all day for perhaps one coin to drop – the SOUND OF A COIN DROPPING

I wonder how many played pranks and put other things in that cup…….
Or even came and stole from his cup….the little he had?

The ONE Who heard the SOUND of his heart’s cry for mercy……..
Now opened the ears of his heart to hear – the Sound of Restoration!
The Love of the Father sent through His Son –

For the rest of his life THESE WORDS would override the years of waiting for the sound of the coin…….the taunts of his circumstances…..the labels others put upon him and that he probably put upon himself.

He could now live a life fully, work a job……..following the One who is worthy to be praised!!!

We must not live from the past – we learn from the past…….
We live in the present……..seeing the future……….holding onto the promises….
Seeing ourselves as HE sees us and living in the prophetic words He has spoken over us to counter any lies.

Jesus did this!
He lived in and from ‘This IS My beloved Son’!
Not maybe, not one day…….not because of what He did or did not do
But because HE was in relationship with His Father……
When no one knew or saw His destiny except parents……even they did not fully understand…….

He was able to defeat the devil with WHO His Father said He was…..
He did NOT have to turn a rock into bread to prove anything
Or jump off a mountain…………
No it was written upon His heart and spirit……..it echoed around Him and in Him –
It was a holy realm of the Words Of His Father – His unseen presence surrounding Him.

What surrounds you and me today in the unseen realms?
His Words will override what people say……..will override what the enemy says…….what we may say negatively about ourselves.
This is the realm we need to live in – what the Father says about us
HIS LABELS – lives fully lived in the freedom of our true identities

Today let us take time now and let Him take off the labels not of Him and let us draw near and respond as He calls us by name – sons and daughters of the Most High God!

”What we want is more of the Holy Ghost. Oh, beloved. It is not merelya measure, it is a pressed down measure. It is not merely a presseddown measure, it is shaken together and running over. Anybody canhold a full cup, but you cannot hold an…

”What we want is more of the Holy Ghost. Oh, beloved. It is not merely a measure, it is a pressed down measure. It is not merely a pressed down measure, it is shaken together and running over. Anybody can hold a full cup, but you cannot hold an overflowing cup, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost is an overflowing cup. Praise the Lord!” -Smith Wigglesworth

Donna & Tracee Anne share from our Father’s heart fresh insight from the Word and Spirit of the Lord. You will be filled with hope and strengthened to run your race from the place of victory in the overflowing life of Jesus Christ.

Our next live Zoom is Thursday October 6, 2022, at 2pm EST, 1pm Central, 12 pm Mountain and 11am Pacific.

We hope to see you there and if you cannot attend ‘live’, we will send out and email with the link to the recording. If you would like to connect via Live Zoom, please send an email request to eagleanddove@comcast.net.

Look forward to being with all of you.

Donna & Tracee Anne

If you haven’t picked up your copy of Donna’s new book – Can You Hear the Sound?, don’t delay! Here’s what people are saying about her new book.

“Pictures painted with words, sounds that come alive, rhythms and patterns that defy the natural,

revelation that jumps off the page or settles deep inside.” – Cathy

If you don’t have your copy of Donna’s first Book, AT HIS FEET, now is the time!
A great gift for you or someone you care about.

Feet of Glory, Feet of Peace, Feet of Sacrifice,
Feet of Majesty and Might, Holy Feet of Holy Light!

Pick up your copy of Donna’s book today at: DonnaMilham.com


Interested in scheduling Donna for your next event or service? Please contact her directly for invitations: donna@donnamilham.com

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.