"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"
Words of Encouragement & News – November 2022
Last week as I was sitting in what I call my Communion Chair, where I meet with the Lord and wait on Hi, I began to hear His Heart’s cry, it came softly and yet with strong emotion. I heard it several times and continued to wait in His presence. I have heard this cry before and wrote about it in my first book – At His Feet. Holy Spirit instructed me to put forth this holy invitation to His sons and daughters – His Holy Heart Desire for us!
“Who Wants ME, Just For ME”
Who wants ME, just for Me?
This is His Heart cry to His people
Those who will seek Him for intimate relationship,
This is what Jesus died on the cross for,
Restoration of covenant relationship with the Trinity
Yes, we need to seek His gifts – BUT – seeking Him first
For relationship and then from this place
His gifts will come forth with holiness, purity, and power
Flowing from oneness with Him
Who wants me, just for me?
This is the heart cry of His people to each other
Now wanted for their gifts, but for who they are
Heart to heart fellowship
Not being used for building a church or ministry
But pure and holy relationships that bring glory to the
Father, Son, and Spirit
AT HIS FEET - Copyright 2014