"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Words of Encouragement & News – November 2021



I hear the cry in the spirit realm from hearts of those who have left churches and fellowship – wandering, looking, dissatisfied – I believe most are looking for relationship, true relationship.

I hear the cry of those in the world, alone, frightened – looking for ‘family’ – a place where their hearts can rest and be refreshed.  Looking for a place where they fit and belong – community.

The kind of relationship that when you don’t show up at a gathering, you are truly missed.
The kind that when you do show up, you are embraced, loved, and valued.
The kind that allows you to be transparent and be yourself and you are accepted with the understanding that we are all in the process of being made into His likeness.
Our relationships are critical to this shaping process within us – individually and corporately.

It is face to face fellowship, where you can truly look into each others eyes and share from your hearts because you have looked into His Eyes and are secure in His Love.  From His Love within our hearts, we can have relationships that honor each other and enables us to see the gold and preciousness within each life.

We live in a time where our ‘independence’ attempts to rule our lives and our ‘rights’ can scream in our ears affecting our decisions and relationships.  However, we gave up our ‘rights’ when we accepted Jesus as our Savior and Lord and we are called to live in community, in body life, understanding that what we do or don’t do affects those around us.  We truly are not free to do whatever we please, not if we are to be true disciples and followers of Jesus Christ.  He is our life and focus and we seek to bring Him pleasure through intimate relationship with Him and walking out our lives in simple obedience to what He asks of us.

Others may have freedoms that you have not been given.  Some will call you a legalist or religious, however there is a narrow path and way that those who follow Him understand they must remain on and not be detoured.  Where the Spirit of The Lord is there is freedom, liberty, love – but in that freedom there are boundaries that he draws with His Hand around our lives that guard and protect and shape us to be like Him.  We have those boundaries individually as well as corporately.  His Mighty Right Hand that drew the boundaries of the seas and rivers and continents – guide us and hold us and lead us in all truth on paths of light filled with His Wisdom.

Relationship, relationship, relationship – for me the relationships He has given to me are the most precious treasures in my life.  I seek to walk in greater love, transparency and honor with each special individual God has lovingly knit my heart with.  Relationship with Him and relationship with those around me – the symbol of the cross- vertical and horizontal love.

The Father knows exactly where we live, our address, and the desires of our hearts.
He has always been and always will be about ‘family’.  He sent His Son that we might become His sons and daughters – family!

Holy Spirit is unlimited in His creative ability to link us with those who we are destined to journey with through life in precious fellowship.
May we be those whose arms are open wide to embrace those He sends our way and where He sends us to others.  May we live within His Divine Embrace and let it flow through us – reaching out and walking together as family.

Oh, Father give us fresh eyes to see each other and honor each other and love each other as You love us.  For the glory of Your Name!

The Overflowing Cup


Our next Overflowing Cup Live Zoom will be on Thursday, December 2 at 2pm EST.
Below is the Zoom link and information.

For those who cannot attend live, a recording of the session will be sent out.

Look forward to being with all of you.

Donna & Tracee Anne

Eagle Dove is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: The Overflowing Cup
Time: Dec 2, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Dec 2, 2021 02:00 PM
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If you haven’t picked up your copy of Donna’s new book – Can You Hear the Sound?, don’t delay! Here’s what people are saying about her new book.

“Pictures painted with words, sounds that come alive, rhythms and patterns that defy the natural, revelation that jumps off the page or settles deep inside.” – Cathy

Pick up your copy of Donna’s book today at: DonnaMilham.com


Interested in scheduling Donna for your next event or service? Please contact her directly for invitations: donna@donnamilham.com

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.