"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Words of Encouragement & News – August 2023


Immoveable Majesty

Arising in the spirit realm
As I wait on You
In rest
Suddenly – there You are
A quick unveiling
A side view of the Lion of Judah’s Eye
I saw in that glimpse

May I live in and within
That Gaze of Rest
NOTHING can move You from Your Victorious Posture

I am seated with You
May the depths of YOUR Completed Works
Now & Forever
Be my reality

I fix my heart’s gaze on
Your Confident Finished Look

Psalm 93
“1 The Lord is king! He is robed in majesty.
Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength.
The world stands firm
and cannot be shaken.

Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial.
You yourself are from the everlasting past.
The floods have risen up, O Lord.
The floods have roared like thunder;
the floods have lifted their pounding waves.
But mightier than the violent raging of the seas,
mightier than the breakers on the shore—
the Lord above is mightier than these!
Your royal laws cannot be changed.
Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever.”(NLT)

”What we want is more of the Holy Ghost. Oh, beloved. It is not merelya measure, it is a pressed down measure. It is not merely a presseddown measure, it is shaken together and running over. Anybody canhold a full cup, but you cannot hold an…

”What we want is more of the Holy Ghost. Oh, beloved. It is not merely a measure, it is a pressed down measure. It is not merely a pressed down measure, it is shaken together and running over. Anybody can hold a full cup, but you cannot hold an overflowing cup, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost is an overflowing cup. Praise the Lord!” -Smith Wigglesworth

Donna & Tracee Anne share from our Father’s heart fresh insight from the Word and Spirit of the Lord. You will be filled with hope and strengthened to run your race from the place of victory in the overflowing life of Jesus Christ.

Our next live Zoom is Thursday, September 7th @ 2pm EST, 1pm Central, 12 pm Mountain and 11am Pacific.

We hope to see you there and if you cannot attend ‘live’, we will send out and email with the link to the recording. If you would like to connect via Live Zoom, please send an email request to eagleanddove@comcast.net.

Look forward to being with all of you.

Donna & Tracee Anne


If you haven’t picked up your copy of Donna’s new book – Can You Hear the Sound?,
don’t delay! Here’s what people are saying about her new book.

“Pictures painted with words, sounds that come alive, rhythms and patterns that defy the natural, revelation that jumps off the page or settles deep inside.” 

– Cathy

If you don’t have your copy of Donna’s first Book, AT HIS FEET, now is the time!
A great gift for you or someone you care about.

Feet of Glory, Feet of Peace, Feet of Sacrifice,
Feet of Majesty and Might, Holy Feet of Holy Light!

Pick up your copy of Donna’s book today at: DonnaMilham.com


Interested in scheduling Donna for your next event or service? Please contact her directly for invitations: donna@donnamilham.com

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.