"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Upon This Rock – the Place of Revelation & Rest

Upon This Rock – the Place of Revelation and Rest


The revelation given to Peter by Holy Spirit that Jesus was the Son of the Most High God is the same revelation we have been given opportunity to journey ever deep into.

Holy Spirit is ever beckoning us to draw closer to Him and allow the breath of revelation to fall upon us, surround us, as we meditate upon this truth and all that this means for our lives individually and corporately as His children, His body, those He is transforming into sons.

He woos us from our orphan mindsets and invites us to sit with Him and allow Him to eradicate former ways and thought patterns and totally renew our minds through imparting Jesus’ thoughts and ways into our very being.

We have attempted through various programs and methods to change ourselves, so many ending in hopelessness and despair as they find themselves responding to the familiar situations with the same fleshly responses over and over again.  Some give up completely, others settle for this is the best it will ever get, and then there are those who are hungry and desperate and cry out ‘whatever it takes, I surrender’.

Here is the key – surrender – total and absolute surrender.  Our lives, our patterns, our mindsets all laid at His Feet.  We leave them with the hope and promise of God that whatever we surrender He will replace with His very own nature.

Our confidence is not in anything or anyone but Him and His ability to then take that which we have laid down and deposit deep within that very place of surrender, His responses, His wisdom, His council, His joy……the endless unfolding of who He is, within us.

What other rock is there to build upon, for this is a place of trust and holy rest.

We are not striving, we are not living under accusation, we are no longer shifting blame, but have taken ownership of the places that do not look like Him, that do not sound like Him and enter into the rest of – He alone can do this work within us.

We enter into the place of waiting, asking Holy Spirit to bring us into the depths and wonders of the reality of Christ in us the hope of glory, into the mysteries of sonship, into the wonders of the privilege and rights of being heirs of His Kingdom, here, as well as for all eternity.

The place of revelation becomes a place of rest – for here we abide, press in further, hunger and long for even more wisdom and understanding.  We are not after head knowledge – we are seeking total transformation – body, mind, soul and spirit.  Nothing less will satisfy.  We are determined that we will stop at nothing less.

The enemy of our soul and the spirit of religion rejoice when we live in condemnation, live in constant striving or turmoil, live with self- hatred, self-pity, lack of value and worth.

Father is grieved when we embrace these lies from the father of lies.  He longs for us to enter into the place of complete rest, from the posture of surrender , and allow Him to joyfully set us free and bring us into the childlike wonder of Who He is and who we are in Him!

This is a forever journey to discover the wonders of His Being, of His Kingdom, of the joy and hope  – we are His and we will look like Him because this is His Desire!  We will sound like Him because this is His longing.  We will become fully His sons in every way – because that is why He came.

So let us posture ourselves in total surrender this day and enter into the rest and joy of transformation by His Spirit for His Glory!

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.