"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"
To Live In Your Gaze
To Live In Your Gaze
To live in Your Gaze
Oh a fearful thing if I were to only anticipate judgment
But the fear of the Lord is beautiful for the lovers of God
I live in His Gaze of Pleasure
He flows in and through me
The ebb and flow of His
Love & Grace
Mercy & Kindness
Truth & Justice
I walk this day with Him
On His Path
Choosing His Ways
Above mine
I sense His Pleasure
As I walk – there are moments of Mystery
When I am aware
Of His Gaze upon me
I stop and look up
And His Gaze – like the sun shining upon my face –
Warms my heart
His enjoyment of me
Just me
Being His child
Penetrates to the very core of my being
Walking Hand in hand
Heart to heart
His smile is now on my face
I am captured again
By His Gaze of Love
And my step is lighter and joy-filled!