"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"
September Newsletter
Dear Friends,
I believe we are in a season that God has all of us who are willing, in His Eye of Divine Love, and is revealing to us any place that does not represent His Heart. It is an agonizing season and yet, glorious at the same time. For it is His Heart of Compassionate Love that reveals to us where our hearts do not love as His. We cannot force this love – we cry out in desperation for fresh encounters with Him, that His Heart of Love truly becomes ours. That His Heart would become our place of residence and no other place. It is only from there that we have any hope to love as He loves.
We need to have Him put within our hearts, His Gaze – His Holy Eyegate – to see as He sees? To view each one He brings into our lives, whether for a moment, a short or long season, with His Eyes of Holy Love. This takes a posture of surrendering every part of our lives, hearts and bodies before Him – fully focused, fully engaged, fully surrendered – before the One Who is Love!
Romans 12:1-2 Passion Translation
“Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship. Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”
What does SURRENDER look like? To be His sacred living sacrifices?
It means that everything we do is brought before Him. That all of our choices are one with this posture in mind. There is no place in our heart and lives we attempt to hide or hold back from Him. We have wide open hearts before Him. We have nothing to hide – for perfect LOVE casts out ALL fear! What another may have permission for – you may not – you live your life in glad surrender to bring Him joy and pleasure – accepting His boundaries for your individual walk and journey with this Amazing Lover and King.
We must listen closely to be able to hear what He asks of us, and this can change at any given moment – we need to remain open to the changing seasons of our lives as God shifts us from the present to His next purpose in our journey with Him. We choose to live from that place of surrender – running into His Arms of Love – running into His Heart, and asking only for His Heart of Love to become yours!
The army of God in this hour will be an army that is surrendered, marked by holiness, knows what He delights in and lives to bring Him delight – because THIS is our genuine expression of worship!
Anyone of us can stand at a corporate altar and worship and praise God, but what happens when we are alone?? Who are we then? Is worship our DNA? Is living in His Heart our True Home?? Do we take HOME with us because we truly LIVE THERE?? These are questions to ponder before and with Holy Spirit.
THIS is how we ‘stop imitating ideals, opinions of the culture around us” – we live in His Heart – we have His thoughts, emotions, counsel, wisdom, love, mercy…We are immersed within all of His Being – this brings inward transformation.
Paul speaks of TOTAL REFORMATION of how we THINK!!
Our thoughts matter!
They are like a rudder on a ship, a steering wheel on a car….
They determine our course
Life or death
Richness or poverty in spirit
Orphan or sonship
Slave/captive or free
What empowers us to discern God’s will?
Our thoughts – surrendered for His Counsel and Kingdom mindset.
Where do our thoughts originate from? May they find their beginning from running into the Heart of God and being with Him, and not from running to worldly mindsets, the evening news and media, or others opinions that may not be led by Holy Spirit. Within His Heart we will know His Voice and His Desires. From this place He empowers us to discern His will and He causes us to ‘live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His Eyes’!
So let us run with all of our hearts into His Heart and may we live a life of surrender before Him – letting His Heart truly become ours!
(PHOTO taken by Donna Milham Nov. 2015 in Maui, Hawaii)
I am continuing to write my second book and appreciate your prayers and also those who have sent financial gifts for the publishing of this book. Thank you!
I will be ministering in Washington State – October 16-17:
“AT HIS FEET” – NW Women of Valor Conference
Oct 16th & 17th (reserve your seat!)
Schedule for Friday evening
7pm Worship begins
Schedule for Saturday (registration Saturday morning)
9:30am – registration, coffee & goodies
10:00am Worship & ministry begins
12:00 lunch on your own – maps available
1:30pm Worship & ministry
3:30pm – snack break
3:45pm – Worship & ministry
– Close in prayer
Conference Hosts:
Aggressive Ministries
206 Frontage Rd N
Pacific, WA 98047