"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Sept 2018 Newsletter

Sept 2018 Newsletter


For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.  Luke 1:37-38  (AMPC)

It is time to dream the impossible dream
The dreams of God’s Heart
No longer our plans and ideas – but a deeper and higher level
Dreams from the King’s Heart –
The Father’s Heart –  that which Holy Spirit deposits and we execute with and by His Kingdom Authority!

Dreams that cause us to set aside every distraction
We have seen, we have heard, we have encountered the very dreams of the Holy Three
That which was determined and recorded as a blueprint in heaven for us to become and to bring forth

“On earth as it is in heaven’ dreams
Dreams that cause holy dependency, that cannot be fulfilled in and from our own strength
That all of heaven backs up and holy provision pours down upon

Heaven is waiting and watching
All of the earth is poised and ready
All of mankind is in desperate need of His Dreams becoming reality in this hour

Dreams that cause us to choose the ‘path less travelled’
Dreams that interrupt our lives with the ‘suddenlies’ of God

I once lived here but now………
I once worked here but now……
I used to minister this but now…..
I once thought this but now…….

Dreams that cause us to arise and to take our place
Dreams that no man or strategy of the enemy can take away
Dreams breathed into our spirit by the very Breath of God

May we posture our hearts and spirits to receive the dreams of God afresh in this hour
Or perhaps revive the ones we have set aside because it has seen so distant, so long in coming, so we have questioned even if they truly were from God
But He is breathing upon those dreams again
He is releasing fresh dreams held for this hour and time

May we dare to dream what mankind says is impossible
But we know that with God all things are possible
Dream again – the dreams of God’s Heart bursting forth in yours – this is when we are fully alive!
Aligned with the Heart of God!

Donna is available for speaking engagements. If interested in having Donna speak at your service, conference or special event, please contact her: donna@donnamilham.com.

If you haven’t picked up your copy of Donna’s new book – Can You Hear the Sound?, don’t delay! Here’s what people are saying about her new book.

“Pictures painted with words, sounds that come alive, rhythms and patterns that defy the natural, revelation that jumps off the page or settles deep inside.” – Cathy

Pick up your copy of Donna’s book today at: DonnaMilham.com

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.