"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Permission Granted!

 Dear Beloved Daughters of the King!

What joy to be thinking of you today and sending out this flyer for an event inspired by the Lord’s great love for you!  We sensed His call to all His girls—wanting to gather us in His love, to encourage, equip and inspire for all that is ahead.

This will be a day set apart in His presence to hear His heart and be transformed by His power!  “All hands on deck” for the wonderful adventures ahead and “no one left behind!”  We are in this together and everyone has a place that no one else can fill!

As well, this one day event in October will be followed by a free year of coaching by Donna Milham, our special guest, and the Vermont Women for Women Team.  We believe the deposit He will make that day will be so significant, and as we continue to journey together, these seeds will take root, bringing forth a mighty harvest in all of our lives, for the glory of the Lord!

Bring your lunch and a friend!  Drinks and dessert will be provided.

Blessings and joy-filled days to you and looking forward to seeing you in October!

~Sharon Curtis-Gerlach for
Your Vermont Women 4 Women Team
Donna Milham, Deb Bensen, Susie Connerty, Cathy Dodge, Sue Salameh, Laurie Best Silva

*View the event flyer: Permission Granted

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.