"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"
October Newsletter

Dear Friends,
Stepping over into the realms of Glory…stepping off into the His Sea of Compassion…Stepping into the depths of the power of His Blood and His Love…Nothing will stop us…nothing else will capture our hearts…Oh God of Wonders and Majesty…Who is like you?
Majestic Sky Painter – who can compare with your Creative Wonders that cause us to drop everything and run and gaze in holy awe…this is our Father…He paints the sky for you and for me…and says…let us sit together awhile… Remember in the darkness of the night – nothing is impossible…
Step deeper into my love…deeper into confidence of my guiding Eye and Loving Embrace… Go ahead – leap – jump off – into the waters of Holy Love – you will not be disappointed!!
I continue to work on my book, there are many more chapters to complete. I had hoped for December 2015 completion date, but now I hope to complete and publish in the Spring of 2016. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
October 16-17 in Washington State:
“AT HIS FEET” – NW Women of Valor Conference
Oct 16th & 17th (reserve your seat!)
Schedule for Friday evening: 7pm Worship begins
Schedule for Saturday (registration Saturday morning):
- 9:30am – registration, coffee & goodies
- 10:00am Worship & ministry begins
- 12:00 lunch on your own – maps available
- 1:30pm Worship & ministry
- 3:30pm – snack break
- 3:45pm – Worship & ministry – Close in prayer
Conference Hosts: Aggressive Ministries – 206 Frontage Rd N Pacific, WA 98047 (http://www.womenofvalor.us)
November 6 – HOPE Encounter
I am speaking at the ‘Hope Center’ in Farmington, Utah – Intrepid Heart Ministries @ 7pm
For more information contact: admin@intrepidheart.org or visit: www.intrepidheart.org