"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"
He Is Our First Responder

“He Is my First Responder to my sufferings and didn’t look the other way when I was in pain
He was there all the time listening to the song of the afflicted” – Psalm 22:24 TPT
The question is to whom does our heart first cry out to and to whom do we look to respond to our heart’s cry?When the phone call comes, the letter arrives in the mailbox, the text message ‘dings’ – where do our eyes turn to and what number does our finger dial?When crisis or tragedy strikes our lives – in that immediate moment – where does our help come from? Whose name is whispered from our lips? Who draws near to us in those moments?The Eternal Loving Father is ever watching – one slight whisper, one glance ‘up’ , one sigh towards Heaven – and He comes.
He comes with Comfort, Grace, Wisdom, Counsel, Peace , all that He is and the very substance of Heaven’s atmosphere.
He was always there and He will never leave us, never forsake us, He is always faithful in our times of need.
How He longs to be first in our lives, in every area of our lives, from the moment we arise to when we lay our head on our pillow at the end of the day. That He would be our first thought and our last and our hearts ‘default’ would be set on His Kingdom – where our Father rules and reigns.
In the trials and in the victories He desires that we turn our faces and our hearts towards Him in petition and in praise – the One Who responds in a flash – in a moment – suddenly He is in our midst. The One Who is Peace, Who is Love – wrapping us within His Arms of Comfort and Care and lavishing our hearts with Kisses of Mercy and Grace.
There have been moments in my life when it seemed like the valley was too long and the road before me too dark and filled with the unknown – yet He reminds us –
Many years ago I had to have a surgical procedure. A ‘couple’ friend promised to pick me up and bring me into the hospital around 4am and that they would stay with me throughout the procedure and take me home. To my shock only the husband arrived the next morning at my front door and drove me into Boston. I was even more stunned when he dropped me off at the front entrance of the hospital and said he would not be staying with me nor picking me up.
I stepped out of the car onto the sidewalk and stood in silence in the early morning quiet and wondered – who would be with me, talk with me, comfort my fears I was struggling with? Who would pick me up and take me home?
I remember looking up into the sky and crying out to God, it was only a whisper – that was all I had in those moments. I had been quite sick and I was weak and in pain.
I stood frozen in front of the hospital at 5am, I had not moved, when I heard His Voice – the Voice of the ‘First Responder’ – and He said to me – “Reach out your hand”.
And as I did his Mighty All Powerful Hand took mine – peace, rest courage flooded into my being – He came – I was no longer alone.
He calmed each and every concern, even through the difficulties that took place that day and the days following. I had to go back in and have another procedure, this time with my family accompanying me. But He was the One who kept me throughout the entire ordeal.
Throughout this challenge and hundreds since, His word has proven true –
‘He was there all the time’ and always will be!
One of my sisters came to my rescue that day to pick me up from surgery and bring me home. He was my ‘First Responder’ and He sends others that will come alongside with His loving care.
I am so grateful for my lifelong friends and family – together we have traveled through the ‘valley of the shadow of death’ and celebrated mountain top victories – we have wept and rejoiced together. I would not be here today without their love, prayers and standing with me. Each is a gift from Father Above. Thank you Father!
Event Calendar
If you are interested in having Donna speaking at an upcoming event, please contact her at Donna@DonnaMilham.com
To learn more about weekly and monthly gatherings at Eagle & Dove Ministries, visit: www.eagledove.com
My book is being edited at this time and I am anticipating a spring or summer 2017 release!
Thank you to those who have sent love gifts and continue to pray for this to be completed and published. Your prayers and support are so appreciated.