"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

February Newsletter

February Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Never ever give up on the dreams God has put within your heart!  God’s dreams are from His Heart, they have been placed within our hearts and in His time and His ways, He helps us to bring them forth.

My book, At His Feet is one of God’s dreams for my life.  And, it is truly by His amazing, enabling grace that my dream became a reality!   I was gifted my first computer 22 years ago, when a dear woman of God was told that I had a longing to write books.  I was stunned at this generous gift and began to download into this new computer my creations with words.  I must confess that most of my writing is still done by hand, with a pen and paper and then I type them into my computer.  There is just something about writing by hand, while sitting with Him that releases fresh revelation to me.

I am amazed each time I receive a book order, fill out the paperwork, drive to the post office and send it off – that after 22 years – in God’s Time – one of God’s dreams for me has come forth!  He is so amazing and worthy of all our praise!   For those of you who have purchased my book, thank you so much for your gift of encouragement to me!  I pray that it deeply touches your hearts and lives.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments about my book on my Facebook Author Page, if you have the time or desire!  Also, if you think about it – please visit my author page on Amazon.com and leave your review of the book as well.  This is our grassroots way of building awareness about At His Feetave started writing a blog  right here on site and invite you to subscribe to the RSS feed or simply check back from time to time and enjoy what the Lord is revealing to me as I continue at His Feet.

I will be speaking Friday, February 27 at The Life Center in Williston, VT at 7pm. For details visit: http://www.lifecentervt.com/ – I will also be selling my books that evening!

For other upcoming events, please visit the calendar on my web site.

I continue to pray and seek the Lord for the places He would open the doors for me to speak, minister, share my heart with others.  If you are interested, please contact me at – donna@donnamilham.com  or call my office 978-283-9111.   My next dream – a second book of course!

At His Feet,

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.