"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

February 2017 Newsletter

Who Do You Think You Are?

I began to hear a question in my spirit – who do you think you are?
It was not from the enemy, nor my soul, but from Holy Spirit.
Donna, who do you think you are?

I sensed this was a critical question that He was inviting me to explore this deeper than I have ever ventured into before.

I know the devil also poses that question in a cynical and accusing way to try to stop us.

Religion will shout the same thing into our ear gates trying to detour us mid stride towards our destiny.  This question can also come from those who walk with deep insecurity, who have little or no identity – they will call those who do know who they are, arrogant and proud. But knowing who we are is not arrogance nor pride, it is humble confidence in what we have heard whispered into our hearts from our Father in Heaven.God has called us to know exactly who we are – He tells us over and over again in His written Word and causes it to become alive and teeming with life to our spirits.

He also speaks prophetically to us about who He says we are – it is a combination of all of these revelations that help to paint the canvas of who God says we are.Remember Gideon in the winepress – God called him a mighty man of valor – though he did not resemble that in the present circumstance he found himself in.

God sees who He is making us into and declares it – holding up the picture and saying – this is who I call you and who I am shaping you into – give me access to your heart and life and cooperate with Me!

He knows exactly who He created us to be, what He has created us to do, the gifts He has put within us and for His very specific purposes.

He has made no mistakes and He asks us to align ourselves with Him in this – Holy alignment for His assignments! Who do you think you are?

Who do you say you are?
Who do others say you are?
What does Heaven say about you?

Our thoughts, who do we say we are – living not in shame – Believing the testimony of our lives, our journey, how we have gotten to where we are and where we are going.  Living not in the lies of enemy – nor the turmoil of unsettled opinions  about ourselves and our past – but living in the present – future. Taking what we know we have heard in the light and not doubting this when we are in the dark – we must not let doubt enter.

We take what we know to be true, when we have lost our way, can’t see, or are in dark night of  the soul –  we thrust the Torch of  Light and Truth into the darkness before us and illuminate our paths with Holy Love, Holy Light and Holy Truth.

Darkness must give way – Light will reveal the pathway before us

Who do you say you are? Who does God say you are?  What is He saying to you now in this season and what must you let go of from the past season?  What will you bring that is not yet fulfilled from the past season that God wants you to bring into your now and believe for?

We must know that difference, cut off what needs to be cut off and step fully into our present- future with the truth of who we are – walking in His Loving Thoughts of us.

All lies and negative places from the past in our memories must go, the only thoughts that are to remain are His thoughts towards us, they are always for good and not evil in our lives.

All shame is swallowed up in His Presence – let us venture ever deeper into –


Event Calendar

If you are interested in having Donna speaking at an upcoming event, please contact her at Donna@DonnaMilham.com

To learn more about weekly and monthly gatherings at Eagle & Dove Ministries, visit: www.eagledove.com.


News & Updates

I am still working on my book and am anticipating a spring or summer 2017 release!

Thank you to those who have sent loves gifts and continue to pray for this to be finished and published.

Your prayers and support are so appreciated.

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.