"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

February 2016 Newsletter





I wonder Lord about – Your penetrating gaze I see again and again!
When you fell with the cross on the road to Golgotha and were helped by Simeon – what did he see in YOUR EYES……..what did those along the crowded streets see in Your Eyes that day?

Simeon was eye to Eye with You carrying that cross…….what did He see?
Within Your holy heart beat – ‘I must be about My Father’s business’
Did Simeon see the Lovesick Gaze of Your promise of the Bride……causing you to stumble forward into Your Father’s reward of Your costly sacrifice?
YOU ARE THE EYEGATE – You open our eyes to see as YOU see!
The beauty in Mary’s eye and the hypocrisy in Simon’s
You enable us to see the beauty of pure devotion, looking past the outward appearances, into the very motives of one’s heart.

Though blood poured into Your Eyes from the brutal beatings  –  I wonder what did the soldiers see when they looked?

 Forgive them – Surrender to Your Father!

What did Machias see in the Garden of Gethsemane whose ear was cut off by Peter? I wonder what he saw when You put his ear back on and Your eyes met his?


What did the adulterous woman see when You stooped and wrote in the sand and looked deep into her eyes?


What did the crowd see when You stood and said – those who have no sin cast the first stone ?

TRUTH HIMSELF – Defender – Righteous Judges Eyes

I wonder was there Passion’s Fire in Your Eyes

What did the thief on the Cross see when he said remember me?

Covenant Promise

What did Jesus see in him?

his repentant heart

What did Peter see in Jesus’s Eyes when He cooked the fish by the ocean’s shore?
Destiny, Future and Hope, Love without conditions
What did Lazarus see when the grave clothes were removed from him?
Resurrection Smile –
knowing soon Lazarus will see Him come forth
Did he see Glory in His eyes – tears of joy and gratitude to the Father?
He had wept – were His cheeks stained with tears?

 What exchange between His mother Mary and Jesus at the cross  –  John and Jesus….the other Mary’s – what looks were exchanged?
We know He gave John a charge for Mary to be his mother and to care for her…..
What exchange took place…….these long looks…….

I will never leave you nor forsake you!!!
What is His Penetrating Gaze towards you this day?
I say it is a Gaze of Holy Desire and Love!
May we bask in His Gaze – allowing it to enter deep into our heart, soul and spirit
and release a humble and holy response at the wonder and mystery of
Living in the loving Gaze of the One Who is Love!

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.