"He is the Word ever writing upon our hearts and minds! He writes new revelation and wonders of who He is on willing hearts!"

Come Closer


James 4:8 TPT – “Move your heart closer and closer to God and He will come even closer to you”

Do we hear His invitation

Come closer

Ever closer to Me

I sit waiting for you

The one I love

Remember I saw


When I hung on the Cross


Beautiful and arrayed in My love’s splendor

From being close with Me

I anticipated the intimacy we would share

In the Secret Place

A cherished sacred space

We together would create

It would become ‘ours’

Valued more than gold or anything this would could offer you

Move your heart closer

Intentionally, purposely

And I will come closer to you

I have not moved

I AM always and forever the same

I AM – Love

   I AM – Peace

       I AM – Joy

I AM the only One who can satisfy the longing of your heart

That space

I created for Myself to inhabit


That which your soul cries out for

Is right there waiting for you to enter into


Now – Today

And for all of eternity

Move your heart closer to Mine

For I have in My Heart and Mind

A divine exchange

My Ways and Thoughts in exchange for yours

My Eyes and Ears to replace yours

My Nature and Character to transform yours

Come closer to Me

All of the questions you have

All of the answers you are waiting for

Are found in Me, with Me

Come closer

I desire to show you, reveal to you, give to you

The wisdom and guidance your soul seeks

Come closer in surrender

Lay down pre-conceived

Well worn pathways of the previous season

And let Me show you

A new and living way

I have held for you in this Now season called


Awaken each morning and come closer

With expectancy

I love a heart full of expectation and desire

I have an inheritance teeming with My Goodness for your life

Move your heart closer

So I may reveal in our times of communion

The things you thought were for others, eluding you, out of your reach,

not for this lifetime………

That I may encourage and fill your heart with

The Truth and the Reality of the Promises

For your life and destiny

This very day

Come closer – ever closer to Me!

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Copyright © 2014 Donna Milham. All rights reserved.

Photos by Chicky Taylor (Cottontaylor Creations), Andrea Van Boven Madden (Multifacetedblog.net),
Murray Hart, Martha Hart, and Connie V. Scott.